Here is a typical situation: you are waiting for your turn at the dentist’s and playing Candy Crush Soda to kill the time. Of course, it’s a good strategy. But what happens when you run out of precious, heart-shaped lives? Game over?
Fortunately, not only your smartphone can help in spending time while waiting. Digital signage solutions and platforms can help to rescue too.
That’s easy: where people can easily see the display(s).
As a rule it’s recommended to place them at a corner of the room, so that they could be visible from all the seats.
Another factor to take into consideration is the distance between monitor(s) and the viewer. It highly depends on the contents you want to show: for example, if you want to show images – you can place your screen at a higher level; otherwise, if you show graphics, statistics or texts – it’s better to place the monitor closer to customer’s eyes.
Contents to be shown could be numerous and diverse: they could be promotional (services about your business), educational (suggestions, advice), or entertaining.
Naturally, the message depends on the target you have to reach. So, the first thing you have to do is ensure that you know who you are talking to.
The main goal of a digital signage platform in a waiting room has to be one and one only: to reduce customers’ perceived waiting time. The best way to reach this goal is to give them something to do or to think about, while they’re waiting.
However, besides keeping the client occupied digital signage can have additional benefits for your business.
Let’s see them:
1) Manage the line

As a basic application of digital signage useful in a large range of environments from companies, institutions, retailers, stores, the digitally-controlled line keeps clients updated about about average wait times, helps in avoid unpleasant situations when people try to cut in line, etc.
2) Give qualified information & tips on your field of competence

People in a waiting room are in the right mood to accept suggestions and any kind of information they could find useful. So this is the right place to give practical advice and tips regarding your field of competence. For example, in a bank waiting room, one is expecting to find financial reports and the latest news from the Stock Exchange.
Keep in mind that, no matter what kind of data is displayed, it needs to be polished and well-organized, with graphics and diagrams, simply not to overpower your clients while they are waiting.

Another good application of digital signage is for health-care services: you can display health tips (how to manage seasonal flu, or general reminders to wash your hands), or give important information about medical insurance and other health-related news.
3) Show your products/portfolio

Grasp the opportunity to show your products or services while your customers are waiting: since they have came to you, they’re already interested in what you can offer, so this is the best moment to go into detail and show them what your products and services are.
In a bank we probably expected to find financial products (mortgages, loans, shares and bonds, and others). The same is true for retailers, such as hair salon, tattoo centers, beauty and nail salon and similar, which all can benefit from display their product and services in a “casual” environment.
The famous Cutler Salon in New York City, for example, has chosen to integrate its Instagram feed with a digital board on the salon: this is a simple but extremely attractive solution to display your work “portfolio”, especially if your business field is visually appealing and is best presented through visuals, not words (such as hair salons, beauty parlors, tattoo studios etc.).
4) Increase customers’ trust in your business

It’s fundamental to establish a relationship of mutual trust with your customers.
You can turn your clients’ waiting time into an opportunity to introduce your company with a story, in which you describe who you are, what your main business is, who your key personnel is; probably your clients already know all about it, but repeating it is a good way to highlight your mission and enhance your brand image.
When your clients’ wait time is up, they will feel more confident about you and your company, and hopefully more prone to trust you.
5) Entertain with engaging contents

The place where we all have experienced the longest wait times is probably the airport, as we tend to arrive well in advance the flight’s departure to deal with boarding procedures.
It’s great news that more and more airports around the world are now equipped to entertain travelers during their long waiting.
The McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada, has equipped its waiting areas with engaging digital totems that display photos and facts of differents cities around the world depending on the destination of the next-in-line flight number.
These useful digital signage tips proved how important it is to exploit every single opportunity to interact with customers, taking advantages of otherwise wasted times, which is the case of waiting rooms.
With a single and easy to set up digital boardyou can at once:
- reinforce your brand image
- establish a trust-based relationship with clients
- promote your business
- improve customers’ wait
You only have to try!