In this tutorial you will learn how to use the core of Wallaboard (Beta 1.0) in less then 60 seconds.
Wallaboard is made up of three basic elements: Sliders, Screens and Stations.
At the end of this post you will find a complete screencast of the Installation&Configuration procedure.
GoTo The Screencast
Slider are where you create your animations.
Wallaboard is provided by default with Revolution Slider, the popular WordPress plugin for the creation of amazing sliders. If you prefer to use other plugins for sliders’ creation (like layerslider), you are more then welcome to use it.
Screens are a set of different regions in which you embed your sliders.
Screens are provided with a screen builder (called Page Builder) that you can use to add rows and regions to your screen.

A station is a physical device that displays one screens.
You can distribuite the same screen across different stations, and each station has a unique url. Usually, our users use their own players to display a station in a full-screen mode.

Wrapping all up